Before reading the following about the evangelistic excursion of the Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost of Veria in Mytilene, we would like to say that this was an amazing life experience which we’ll never forget.
Since the beginning of fall 2015, huge numbers of refugees have started to pass through our country. Refugees and immigrants from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan Morocco and many other countries enter Greece every possible way they can, and eventually end up at the Greek-Fyrom borders in Eidomeni, Kilkis to enter in Fyrom with the hope of traveling to the rest of Europe.
In late 2012, in the hearts of some brothers from the church in Veria was born, the thought and desire to visit the prison. In fact, our visit would have two purposes. First, talk to prisoners about the love of Jesus Christ, that He died for their own sins, and he wants to give them eternal life.
With our great pleasure, we present the new New Testament of Veria.
It is God's answer to our prayers so that the inhabitants of Veria and the hundreds of visitors of our city who come daily to visit our church and the Jewish synagogue, which is just across our church, can now receive as a gift from us the New Testament which now has as its cover, our city.
For this reason we published the New Testament of Veria both in Greek and English.
Here you can see the new proprietary church that the Lord gave us and the region where it is located. This new church is the new House of God, where we can worship, praise and glorify the One and True God, the Savior Jesus Christ. " for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." (Isaiah 56, 7 ).
On Friday 15-08-2014 the Youth members from the churches of Veria and Thessaloniki made a day trip to Ksiirolivado Imathias. For many years now the youth memebrs from the church in Veria , at the day of 15th of August make excursion to Ksirolivado.